Pelvic floor Dysfunction Symptoms

Because there are different types of Pelvic floor dysfunctions (PFD), symptoms of different PFDs can vary or overlap. This can make it hard to diagnose exactly what type of dysfunction you have without seeing a Pelvic floor PT for an internal exam. In fact, initially you may have no obvious symptoms at all or symptoms such as hip pain may be diagnosed as something else initially. Below I have gone through some Pelvic floor dysfunction symptoms. But if you are still unsure if you have PFD then you can take this quiz here >>> You will be sent information and specific exercises that will help you based on your answers. There are two main types of Pelvic floor dysfunctions: An Overactive or Hypertonic Pelvic floor (tight) An Underactive or Hypotonic Pelvic floor (loose/stretched) Common symptoms of an over tight (Hypertonic) Pelvic floor: Hypertonic Pelvic floor muscles are muscles that are too tight (note tig...