
Showing posts from October, 2023

Does Diastasis recti cause bloating?

Back pain, poor posture, Pelvic floor issues, digestive problems and gastro-intestinal disturbances like constipation and   BLOATING   are all symptoms that occur when the core support system is weak, as it is with Diastasis recti.   ​ Bloating is something I get asked about a lot in my private Diastasis recti workout support Facebook group (which you can join   here ). ​ Bloat is any abnormal gas swelling, or increase in diameter of the abdominal area. With Diastasis recti, bloating is more obvious when it occurs due to weak connective tissue. But what can you do about it? And why does it occur more at the end of the day? The Main Causes of Bloating Posture Food intolerances Lack of water – dehydration Water retention Certain Foods Weight gain Acidic and/or carbonated beverages Gas in general Stress Period starting Too much salt intake Inactivity Posture This I think is one of the biggest rea...