How to Check for Diastasis recti

If you think you have Diastasis recti, based on your symptoms, but unsure on how to confirm your suspicions. Then you are in the right place.

To test to see if you have Diastasis recti you are going to measure BOTH the width and the depth of the gap between the Rectus abdominis (6 pack) muscles.

To ensure that you are doing this correctly please watch the below video.

I suggest download this tracker to record your measurements.

You will be looking to measure your gap in three places, and record both the width and the depth at each location.

You will do this process twice, once in a semi relaxed state and once when you have engaged your core.

How to Measure

The process for checking to see if you have Diastasis recti is the same if you had a Caesarean section or a vaginal birth.

If you have a little more “fluff” around the abdomen area I give tips in the video to help with that.

You want to look for two specific things from the base of your rib cage all the way down the center to the pelvis:

1) The width of separation (how many fingers can you fit horizontally?)

2) The depth of depression (how far can you push in?)

How to Measure Your Diastasis
  1. Lie down on your back with both knees bent
  2. Place your index and middle finger directly above your belly button.
  3. Raise your head off the supporting surface (no further then an INCH) and feel for any gap and/or dip under your fingers. Note the width and depth of separation.
  4. Lower your head and shoulders back to starting position

Repeat this test 1-2 inches below your belly button, and about 1-2 inches below your sternum.

Then repeat it all again when you have engaged your TVA – note down the difference on the tracker.

At the end you should end up with 12 measurements.

Clinically, Diastasis recti is defined by a separation > 2.5 cm wide, this is about 2 fingers wide.

But it is really the depth that indicates how strong your connective tissue is which is what will keep your tummy in.

And the difference in depth when engaged which shows how well your TVAs are firing.

If you have any questions please comment below, and if this was useful for you please share this article. Don’t let other mommy’s wonder WHY they can’t regain their flat belly?

I have Diastasis – now what?

If you are just starting your journey on regaining a functional core, I have a free beginners program that teaches you how to engage your core correctly, and the best initial exercises for your “abs”.

Ready to get started? You can sign up here >>>



If you have any questions please comment below, and if this was useful for you please share this article. Don’t let other mommy’s wonder WHY they can’t regain their flat belly?



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