Best Exercises for Diastasis recti

When initially discovering that you have Diastasis recti, a condition where the abdominal muscles have separated, it can be scary, overwhelming, and frustrating. We search the internet for the best exercises to address Diastasis recti, only to end up even more confused by conflicting information, and we may even wonder if healing is possible. However, rest assured that with the right exercises and guidance, most moms can regain a functional core and return to the activities they love.

This FREE Diastasis recti program includes the best initial exercises for addressing Diastasis and is suitable for all moms, regardless of how far in the Postpartum period you are, whether it is 6 weeks or 40 YEARS. But before diving into “ab exercises,” it is crucial to grasp the importance of 360-degree breathing. Make sure to explore the resources that come with the program (like the video below) to help you embark on your journey to a stronger core.

Beginner Diastasis recti Exercise Program

This program is designed for all moms, whether they are just six weeks postpartum or several years after giving birth. It includes all the best initial exercises that should be done to reconnect and retrain the core, such as:

a) Connection Breathing: Which helps you connect the diaphragm and Pelvic floor with your breathing.
b) Knee Lifts: So you can target the lower abdominal muscles allowing you to strengthen the core without straining the separated muscles.
c) Glute Bridges: Focusing on the glute muscles, to promote pelvic stability and support while minimizing pressure on the Diastasis recti gap.
d) Modified Planks: Modified versions are used to safely rebuild core strength.

How to heal Diastasis recti fast

To heal Diastasis recti fast, you must recognize the importance of mastering the basics before moving on to advanced exercises. While many start with “ab” exercises, ensuring correct breathing and Pelvic floor connection is crucial.

360 Breathing

The first step should be to master 360-degree breathing, also known as diaphragmatic breathing or connection breath. This establishes a solid foundation for core engagement and pelvic stability.

Watch the “360 Degree Breathing” video for step-by-step instructions.

What else can I do?

Many moms are eager to engage in various exercises while also focusing on their core. However, some exercises may cause more harm if your core isn’t ready for them. Therefore, it’s crucial to choose exercises that are safe for your core strength.

Check out this article here >>> to help you understand what types of exercises are currently suitable for you (note this will change as you get stronger).

At times, the Diastasis journey can make you feel isolated. To connect with others experiencing similar situations, be sure to join the “Diastasis recti Workout Support with Katrina Oakley” Facebook group.

What Next?

First know, It’s never too late to start working on your Diastasis recti, whether you are early Postpartum or decades beyond giving birth. Exercises remain consistent regardless of how long it has been since childbirth. 

However, it is key that you keep progressing the exercises. This beginners program serves as the initial step in the recovery process. After this, you will want to focus on introducing more challenging core exercises, working on your alignment, and increasing your overall body strength.

When you are ready to adopt a full-body approach to address your Diastasis recti, check out the 8-week progression program.



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